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Our Mission

We're here to help caregivers ignite a love of learning in 1-5 year olds. We want kids to lose themselves in open-ended exploration and sensory experiences. And we want to nurture connection and emotion regulation through mindfulness.

Our Mission
From our customers

Got this for my nephew's playroom and it really makes the room look nice. It's a nice size and a great learning tool. He loves the different colors and sounds. It also helps minimize his TV exposure which is great.

-Amazon Customer, Crocodile Wall Panel

I've had this for a while now. I've moved a few times, and each of those times this has come with my family and me. It looks brand new, and it's so sturdy. It's easy to install, and all age groups love it!

-Amazon Customer, Airplane Wall Panel

These are great for occupying a child. The quality is very good for the price and these are a fantastic learning tool.

-Amazon Customer, Wooden Magnets