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  • Destroy Roaches Yourself

  • Bengal goes to the source to rid your home of infestation. It wipes out the roach population, including those you see and those you don’t see. Keeps Pests G.O.N.E.


  • Destroy Roaches Yourself

  • Bengal goes to the source to rid your home of infestation. It wipes out the roach population, including those you see and those you don’t see. Keeps Pests G.O.N.E. Roach Products

    Top Sellers

    Bengal's Value

    Why Does Bengal Work Better?

    How Many?

    One cockroach out in the open, roaming around your home, is a sure sign more roaches are lurking in hidden spaces. Most of an infestation will not be in visible spaces in your home. Treating a roach infestation involves getting the active ingredient to the source of the problem.

    Dry Spray vs Water-Based

    Bengal Roach Spray is a dry spray, so when used properly it will rid the home of roach infestations – something other water-based sprays cannot do because they do not get to the source of the problem: the roaches hiding in walls and behind cabinets.

    The Flush Factor

    Bengal forces roaches out of hiding to die rather than leaving them in the wall voids, Bengal Roach Spray Products not only kill the source of the allergens but also allow the dead roaches to be removed so that their carcasses cannot contribute further to the problem.


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