Download PotatoVPN for iOS

Stay private and protect yourself online

Access global sites and streaming content

Download PotatoVPN for iOS
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Enjoy all apps & sites without restriction anywhere, like Netflix, Hulu, etc.
Multi encrypt methods built-in, say goodbye to hackers and spies.
Hide your real IP address with our thousands of virtual IP addresses.
Access all content with no restriction
PotatoVPN provides multi-protocols to access all restrictions of internet. Connect PotatoVPN and enjoy all social networks, video streaming, music, gaming, sports now!
Protect your Privacy
Browse safely, PotatoVPN secures your internet data with 256-bit encryption Bank-grade multi-layered encryption technology. Hide your personal IP address and keep anonymous online.
No log shared
We do not store your original IP address. We do not log how you Utilize VPN connection. We do not sell, use, or disclose any personal data. You are safe with PotatoVPN.
Easy to use
Just one step, click connect then you are all set.